Mehr soziale Verantwortung für eine bessere Welt

Once-only Donations

We from P.L.E.A. e.V. need your donations to carry out our projects in Africa. In this context, we appreciate any donation, however small it may be, it will help us.

You are welcome to personally drop off your donation to us during our opening times in our office in the Entwicklungspolitische Zentrum (EPIZ) Am Leinekanal 4 (entrance C) in Göttingen - we would love to meet you there.

If you prefer to make your donation by bank transfer, then transfer it to our account:

Account 293 911 800

BLZ 260 900 50

at the Volksbank Göttingen.

Due to our status as a non-profit organization, we are able to issue you a donation receipt recognized by the tax office. Please type in "intended use" your address and we will send you the contribution receipt easiliy.

In return for your donation, we will, with your permission, publish your name on the list of our donors.