Articles of incorporation of the Charity P.L.E.A. e.V.
1. Name and seat
The association is called Partnership for Rural Development in Africa (PLEA).
It shall be registered in the register. The association is based in Göttingen.
2. The purpose of the association is:
a) understanding and promoting cultural tolerance between people of different continents.
b) strengthening regional structures by supporting educational institutions and rural self-help organizations, contributing to raising the living standards of the rural population.
c) careful use of natural resources in land management
d) the Association shall be entered in the register.
3. The purpose is achieved by:
a) public relations in the various media
b) education: promoting academic and adult education institutions
c) support for regional projects that ensure the supply in rural areas.
4. non-profit
The Association is selfless; it pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax regulation. It does not pursue its own economic purposes.
Association funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association. Documented expenses are paid back.
No person shall be favored by expenditures which are alien to the aims of the association or by unreasonably high remuneration.
5. Membership
Any natural person over the age of 18, which is not limited in its capacity to contract, can join the association.
The Management adjudicates on the admission of new members. A written application must be sent to it. The Board confirmes the membership for record. With the inclusion the member acknowledges the club statutes.
Membership is terminated by:
a) withdrawal in writing
b) exclusion, which takes place after conduct which is inimical or detrimental to the association, by the Management. The member must heard to the reasons of exclusion.
6. Membership Fees
The General Assembly will decide about the contributions of the members.
7. Bodies of the association
The bodies of the association are:
a) The General Assembly
b) The Management
8. General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. It shall decide on:
a) the annual report
b) Election of Directors
c) Election of treasurer
d) the admission and exclusion of members as an appeal body
e) the amount of annual dues
f) changing the statutes
g) dissolution of the Association
For amending the Statute or a resolution to dissolve a three-quarters majority of members present is required.
At least once a year the General Assembly convenes the meeting. It is convened by the Management. The invitation is done at least two weeks before the meeting in writing stating the agenda.
An extraordinary General Assembly shall be called if:
a) it is in the interest of the association.
b) the assembly is requested of at least one fifth of the members or required by the Management.
Of the meeting a protocol signed by the chairman will be drawn up.
9. Management
For the purposes of § 26 BGB the Management consists of a chairman and a deputy chairman. Both have sole power of representation.
The extended Management consists of the treasurer and two assessors.
The election of the Management takes place at the General Assembly by a simple majority. The Management is elected for a term of two years and remains until the new election. Re-election is possible.
If a board member leaves prematurely, the Board shall elect a substitute member for the period until the next meeting.
The Management is incumbent on the proper management of the association, in particular the association's club funds. It has to submit a cash report to the General Assembly. The Management represents the association in public.
10. Dissolution of the Association
In case of dissolution of the association or loss of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the association fall to the Association of South Sudanese students in Germany, Postfach 2129, 37011 Göttingen, who has to use it directly and exclusively for charitable, benevolent or church purposes.